队友 Rose Liu 转发了5个小时前一个哥们在 CSDN 上翻译的一篇文章 “深入钻研Augular两年 谈谈其究竟适用于哪些场合“。
My teammate Rose Liu reshared a post from Alexey Migutsky: 2 years with Angular, which provides several interesting ideas of the incompetence of AngularJS.
Here is a piece of my personal review:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AngularJS 和 https://www.airpair.com/js/javascript-framework-comparison 提到 AngularJS 的历史~相信其中的事件,可以让作者的一些观点产生争议 (比如重写近2万行代码的项目,使之减少到1000多行,足可以说AngularJS 适合大前端项目的瘦身)
Some historical events have been shown in the links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AngularJS and https://www.airpair.com/js/javascript-framework-comparison, from which we could find some controversies from the points of view of Alexey, say, the guy rewrote a project of 1,7000 lines of code with AngularJS prototype to make it reduce to 1000+ — that is quick sufficient to prove that AngularJS is good fit for a mega project in terms of internet transfer amount of lines of code.
About performance:
AngularJS 官网提到了其适合的项目任务属性:面对需要高性能的 dom 操作,比如拖拽,使用 watch 是不合适的,所以 angularjs 也让咱们可以直接使用 jQuery 操作dom,而不做任务的 digest.
In the tutorials of AngularJS, we found Google says that AngularJS watch/digest is not fit for busy DOM operation, like DragNDrop. So they suggest us not use scope digest in these scenarios, instead, use jQuery directly. (And they enable us to do so within AngularJS framework)
另外, object.observe 的 api 即将成为各大浏览器的核心功能(Chrome 已经有了:http://caniuse.com/#feat=object-observe)~ AngularJS 现在的 dirty check 即将被摈弃。到时,性能会有大步提升;而移动端的自升级功能,使之应该会非常快速的采用新 js api,使 angulsrjs 不再那么耗电了。
One more thing, the new JS API object.observe is on the way for many browsers (Already shipped with Chrome: http://caniuse.com/#feat=object-observe since V35). The current AngularJS dirty check is going to be replaced by the new JS API. By the time, it’s not doubt that AngularJS is not more THAT power consuming in many cell phones.
再者,我们选择 AngularJS 的原因,就是因为相信 Google 的开发团队的责任心与能力。 我们不想选择一个5年后可能会不再有人维护更新的框架,而 Google 应该不会轻易放弃 AngularJS。
Besides, one of the reasons we picked AngularJS as our framework is that we trust the sustained power and responsibilities of Google, the Internet Giant. We wouldn’t like to build our apps on a framework that is going to be abandoned in 5 years. We believe that the current activities of development of AngularJS from Google guys and its community are going to be being burnt on. That’s Google, you know.
此外,Chrome 生态系统与AngularJS框架,会是彼此相互支持的。
And, we bet Chrome ecosystem would be a great supporter of AngularJS. You know why.
最后, AngularJS 拥有完整财力后盾支持 ,使他们的各种社区与教程,会是越来越多人选择学习的不二之选——前提是可以翻墙——所以,咱们招人会越来越容易——其实我们团队这么多人,也都是在短时间之内学会 AngularJS 的,这足以说明AngularJS 并不是企业人力资源的 bombshell 。
Finally, AngularJS has a great financial support, which is diverting a lot of attentions of many front-end engineers to it through their excellent tutorials and communities. So it would be much easier for enterprise projects to recruit talents in the future. Think about our team — many of us are not competent while we joined the team. But all of us got started and sophisticated very fast, aren’t we?
To be continued.
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