So far, I still find none of Internet giants work on refactoring main stream javascript libraries into a integrated bundle.
An counterexample to that, in the source code of RequireJS, I am able to list many utility functions which have been shipped in jQuery and Underscore. And AngularJS 1.4 has also enclosed jqLite into its bloated package.
举个例子,在 RequireJS 的源代码中,我们很容易发现他们写的很多工具函数,在 jQuery / Underscore 中早已经提供;另外,直到 AngularJS 1.4 ,jqLite 也占用了其不少代码空间。
There are too many frameworks/libraries on the Internet. Even a front-end newbie could name 5 of them at least, and it’s still growing very fast. In real world project, front-end architects are used to import several libraries/frameworks together to do their job. Say in my current project, we have AngularJS, jQuery, underscore, d3 and bootstrap to make things simple.
在互联网上,JS 库与框架几天就出一个,而能流行起来的,差不多一年也有好几个。而在实际的项目中,前端架构师们往往一下子采用了好多库,以彼此合作达到目的。比如我所在的项目,里面就包含了 AngularJS, jQuery, underscore, d3, bootstrap。
So, front-end project market is demanding Internet giants to rewrite, refactor, optimize and integrate libraries/frameworks into reduce redundant code and optimize memory usage of global Javascript objects.
Actually, some guys have done some pioneer work to the subject, say AngularStrap. But it’s dying due to its obsolete adoption of AngularJS. (stopped at AngularJS 1.2 + Bootstrap 3.0). It’s toooo much work and efforts to integrate and maintain major libraries/frameworks into one. And a probable solution to that is let the giant do the giant thing — Google, Facebook, etc.
其实已经有人在做一些东西了,如 AngularStrap (顾名思义,AngularJS + Bootstrap),不过推测是因为其用户太少或者贡献者太少,目前更新已经过时了(停留在 AngularJS 1.2 + Bootstrap 3.0)。真希望大公司出马做此善工。 Google? Facebook?
Plus, an even bolder idea of the job, is to call a all library vendor meeting to make a universal Javascript utility library (UJUL). And even more manful advocate is, let the coming UJUL be provided by Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Node.js, natively. Anyone could use them directly with some client side detection. In the picture, how much 4G mobile transfer would be saved if that kindness has been done!
当然,如果各大流行库供应商能够坐下来,彼此讨论制订工具库标准包,以供所有参与者使用,那是再好不过。进一步大胆建议,就是把大家协调定义出来的标准通用工具包集成到 Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Node.js 等解析器的内置标准函数中,这样,结合 AMD 载入预检测,则可以使工具包占用零网络流量了。
Many developers keep complaining the scarcity of native Javascript library functions for a long time. Then, why don’t we do something? Let browsers/Node.js be a good env to live, for scripts and for geeks.
很多人诟病 Javascript 提供的标准库函数太少——当然,也有很多人喜欢这种灵活性——我们为什么不采取各家之长,做点事情
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