For Mac Only
之前团队反映 WebStorm 卡,如今才发现是它的默认内存配置太弱。修改之:
WebStorm is dying and being stuck on medium/big project. Try this change for your Mac. Bash:
mkdir -p ~/Library/Preferences/WebStorm/ cp /Applications/ ~/Library/Preferences/WebStorm/ vim ~/Library/Preferences/WebStorm/webstorm.vmoptions
Edit with:
-Xms512m -Xmx3000m -XX:MaxPermSize=1000m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=800m -XX:+UseCompressedOops
重启 WebStorm
Restart WebStorm
注意,-Xmx 这个要根据你的内存大小。我的是 MBP 16G,还行,所以就调成3Gb。如果你够土豪,就再调高一些。
Tip: the value `-Xmx` is up to your Mac memory. For here I gave it 3Gb.